USC Fertility

Choosing An Egg Donor

Ties that Bind: The Art and Science of Choosing an Egg Donor

Choosing an egg donor or sperm donor is an important step in third-party reproduction. The genetic gift that you choose today will make a forever impact. USC Fertility physicians and staff help prepare men and women to select a donor and start or complete a family.

We recently found an insightful article from Gay Star Family that offers tips from the London Women’s Clinic for customizing the donor match process. If you are part of a couple, the article advises, opt for physical characteristics in a donor that match the partner not contributing genetic material. For example, if the male partner will provide his sperm for the IVF cycle, consider choosing an egg donor who resembles the female or other male partner. Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect donor!

The article, “Donor conception: How do you choose a sperm or egg donor?” also offered the advice to “embrace donors as donors.” Recognize and appreciate the role that he or she will play in your quest to become parents.

Decisions, Decisions

Not long ago, there was a paper form to fill out, and you would sort through the physical characteristics, talents, aptitudes and personality traits listed on files and hope to find a near-perfect match.

Today, USC Fertility works with reputable sperm banks and egg donor agencies so that you have timely access to a robust online databases. Thanks to an improved search process, you can find your perfect donor match at home, at work or in a local coffee shop.

Safeguards are in place to ensure that donors are medically, genetically and psychologically screened; sperm undergoes a six-month quarantine period prior to transfer to ensure that samples are free of infectious disease.

The Mechanics of Using an Egg Donor or Sperm Donor

Once you have finalized the decision-making process for choosing an egg donor or sperm donor, USC Fertility specialists will lead you through the exciting next steps—performing an intrauterine insemination or combining egg and sperm in the IVF lab and connecting with a surrogate if you need one.

We will provide attentive care during the donor selection process and have supportive resources available that can counsel you through the journey. Choosing an egg donor or sperm donor can be the best part of the conception process—the point at which you are in total control of the decision and outcome. Embrace it and celebrate the choice that you make.

USC Fertility has an established donor and surrogacy program with a long history of partnering with the LGBT community. Contact us to learn more about the wonderful option of choosing donor eggs and/or donor sperm to build your family.