USC Fertility


Making Fertility Goals for 2021

Make 2021 your best year yet and achieve your fertility goals

Make 2021 your best year yet and achieve your fertility goals

When people set goals, they often commit to do things like lose weight, give up a bad habit or save money. However, after a few weeks or months, these good intentions often fall by the wayside. At USC Fertility, our Los Angeles fertility doctors are committed to helping our patients create and achieve their fertility goals.

Our fertility doctors offer helpful hints on setting realistic fertility goals

One of the problems with setting goals is that people often don’t set specific enough objectives. Many people also try to make too many changes at once. For example, deciding to lose 15 pounds in a month isn’t as likely to work as committing to reducing your caloric intake by 10 percent and shooting for a pound or two a week weight loss. Similarly, our Los Angeles fertility doctors want to provide the following tips for reaching your fertility goals while trying to conceive.

Consider 2021 a reset. For many people, 2020 felt like a never-ending, disastrous year. The pandemic, racial tensions and a contentious election left many feeling lost and disenchanted. Commit to looking at 2021 as a fresh start and approach the rest of the year with renewed optimism.

Start with small changes. It supposedly takes 30 days to form a habit. Decide on one new change, like eating more fruits and vegetables or walking 10 to 15 minutes a day, and work to make it part of your daily routine.

Develop a plan to reduce stress. Trying to conceive and not having any luck can take a toll on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Spend quality time with your partner, renew a favorite hobby or practice mindfulness to help alleviate some of your anxiety.

Ask for help. The last year left many individuals feeling isolated, and certainly, this feeling can creep in when you are dealing with infertility. Reaching out to close friends or joining a support group can serve as a reminder that you are not alone.

Visit our Los Angeles fertility center for top-notch infertility treatment

When you are trying to conceive without success, you and your partner may feel frustrated and discouraged. Our team of Los Angeles fertility doctors will identify any issues, set fertility goals and review the appropriate fertility treatment options so that you can have the family that you desire. Contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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