Our Los Angeles fertility clinic team discusses emotional support for infertility
The infertility journey can take a toll on your physical and emotional wellbeing. When you’re trying to conceive without success, you may feel overwhelmed and discouraged. At USC Fertility, we understand the struggles our patients face as they navigate the sometimes-difficult path to parenthood. Our staff is here to walk with you each step of the way.
Find tips for getting emotional support for infertility
During the infertility process, your emotional stability is as important as your physical health. As you continue to take the steps to create or expand your family, we want to ensure you have optimal coping mechanisms for receiving emotional support for infertility. Consider the following suggestions to help find balance and peace while trying to conceive.
Understand your options. After you and your partner undergo a complete fertility assessment, your doctor will review the findings and determine the best course of action. Having a definitive plan can help alleviate some of your stress.
Communicate your feelings. Talking with your partner, family members and trusted friends can help with some of the isolation that you may feel during the infertility treatment process. Remember, that it’s okay to not feel okay.
Establish healthy boundaries. A key component of emotional support for infertility is practicing self-care. Declining a baby shower invite, putting the kibosh on prying inquiries about your pregnancy plans and limiting time with moms and babies are all ways you can protect yourself.
Find your tribe. Often, our patients gain tremendous benefit from joining local support groups, where they can share their experiences with others going through similar situations. You can find support group options by checking social media, using search engines and via RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association.
USC Fertility offers the compassionate care you deserve
If you have been trying to conceive without any luck, the doctors at our Los Angeles fertility clinic can help identify and treat the issue. During this challenging time, you can count on the USC Fertility team to answer questions, explain treatment options and develop a comprehensive plan for achieving your family-building goals. Contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation appointment.
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