USC Fertility

Fertility Treatments

Finding the Right Fertility Specialist

Factors for finding the right fertility specialist

Choosing a doctor to help you have a baby is a big decision. When you need fertility diagnosis testing and treatment, you want an expert who is just as committed to growing your family as you are. If you live in Southern California, you’ll probably start by looking for a fertility specialist in LA,

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Cancer and Fertility Donor Eggs Egg Freezing Fertility Preservation fertility testing Fertility Treatments Genetic Screening In Vitro Fertilization Male Infertility Oncofertility PGS USC Fertility

Caffeine and Fertility Treatment

Do caffeine and fertility treatment mix?

Coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks are eye-openers that many of us depend upon to get through the day. But couples who are trying to conceive may wish to cut the caffeine, as years of research support the idea that caffeine and fertility treatment aren’t a great mix.

The perks of giving up coffee: caffeine and fertility treatment

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system,

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Fertility Treatments USC Fertility

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